Saturday, January 30, 2010



This little guy is going to have his first bite of...

sweet potatoes
Still undecided, we have both on hand.
I think he is ready.
I am not.
I'm nervous.
It's going to be okay.
Highchair is still in the box
better set that up!
It's red.
Let the foodie games begin!

Photos are sure to follow!

Friday, January 29, 2010


I always want to remember...

...his smile so sweet

...his ways so tender

...his cheeks so soft

...the way he looks as he sleeps.

...those lashes so long and eyes that smile...
...and that perfectly cute button nose.

...the way he grabs his feet

I always want to remember, the little things about him.

When he is big...

I want to remember these little (but big) things when...

he was little.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

6 Months

6 months

Caleb is 6 months old!
So sweet, so loveable.

Caleb is...
bearing weight,
jumping in jumperoo
interested in food.
Laughing and giggling, that little sense of humor really shines!

Jibber Jabber to be heard...






and a wide variety of boy noises
(too hard to describe, but they sound like...
growls and grunts,
with some bodily function noises in there too)

Caleb is so loving, I pray daily that he may follow the Lord all his life, love HIM with his whole heart, soul and mind and others as himself.  That he may have the fruits of the Spirit, even now.  I am amazed at how God works in his life even now, and see displays of these prayers being answered.

We love you baby Caleb!

 Almost forgot to mention ...

Caleb's 6 month stats...

Weight: 18 lbs 9 oz (75th percentile)
Length: 28 inches (90th percentile)

Whoa baby boy!  You're a big boy!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Below Zero Sunshine...

It's freezing here.
25 inches of snow in December...
probably even more to come in January.
So to get our sunshine
sunbathe by the window
or take a drive (for an hour)
Hey, you do whatcha gotta do right?
Hopefully it warms up soon...
...because my goosebumps are getting goosebumps!
Anyway, here is our little sunshine getting his sunshine :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Show me the way...

Show me the way that I must take;

to Thee I offer all my heart.

Teach me to do Thy will for Thou art my God.

Keep me safe, O Lord, for the honor of Thy Name.

(Ps 143:8,10,11)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Body After Baby: Check In...



Meg (and Caleb, too ;) ) checking in with Body After Baby

Exercise:  Well, I haven't managed to dig out my Yoga Booty Ballet DVD yet.  Shame, shame!  It's in the basement, we moved our bookshelves (with aforementioned yoga DVD on one of the bookshelves) down there while baby-proofing our home last month.  But, I did lug 3..that is three stacked laundry baskets up the stairs all at the same time.  Man, that was hard!  And, my baby officially weighs well over 19 lbs now as a 5 month old, so I have some pretty impressive biceps forming as we speak.

In all seriousness though, as soon as the snow settles here (we are in an, I kid you not, extreme weather warning) I am going to Target and buying a yoga mat because my booty will be doing no ballet upon our hardwood floors...ouchie!

So, the plan is as follows: begin yoga exercising no later than Monday, January 11th.  Keep me to this ladies!

Diet:  This is going very well.  My goal was to begin adding even more foods to my diet and I have!  I have been eating sweet potatoes (even though I do not like them)  which have a lot of really great nutrients in them.  Also, my hubby Cole has been making me these really yummy fruit smoothies the last couple of nights that are completely healthy.  So, that was an easy way for me to down some fruit in a tastebud satisfying way!  If you want to try one of these smoothies, here is the recipe (because they are super good!):

Pearberry Smoothie...
1/4 cup frozen organic blueberries
3/4 cup frozen organic pears
1/4 cup rice milk
*Throw it all in the blender and you have yourself a really delicious smoothie! 
I'm drinking one right now, actually.
See...easy peasy!

So, I added two new foods within the past 5 days...

blueberries and sweet potato.

Caleb seemed to do fine with both!  I found out some delicious health benefits of blueberries (here) and sweet potatoes (here)

My goal to drink more water is going really well too.  This week I purchased a large PUR water dispenser at Target that fits in our refrigerator.  I have been drinking well over 8 glasses of water a day :)  Previously, I had a water pitcher that held a lot less water, and it broke on Sunday!  Well, that was a good thing because I think having the larger water filtration system has helped me to drink even more water.  I would recommend this filter system if you are looking for one, it's affordable and the water tastes great!

Goals for the next week...

Exercise:  I WILL begin exercising, for real
Diet: My goal is to add more nutritious foods this coming week (1-2 more, as I need to wait and watch Caleb's reactions)

Hope you ladies are doing well with...
... your Body After Baby challenge! 

Thank you for all your encouragement, it  really  helps! :)

Wordless Wednesday

Nibble Nibble...

(Imagine a photo of a cute baby eating food here)
I am thinking Caleb will start solids in about 17 days...

...a few days after he turns 6 months old.

That is, if I get the okay from his new pediatrician...

...who we will meet with for the first time on the 21st of January.

I am a little nervous.

Caleb has food sensitivities...

and I so want him to be able
to eat...

...with enjoyment fun a little boy should.

A little boy who... having his first bite

of yummy...



Oh, please...

let him be able to eat!

When we DO take this big step and finally whip out bowl and spoon...
I am thinking his first bites will be one of the following...

a. Avocado
b. Yellow Squash
c. Sweet Potato
(we are skipping rice cereal altogether, Dr. W says it's more difficult to digest)

Any votes or suggestions?

I am planning to prepare all of Caleb's baby food myself, and to use organic veggies and fruits. I would like as little extra stuff as possible in his little tummy, to lessen the chance of a food sensitivity. Though, I know there may be nothing I can do to prevent a reaction, I just hope that less will be more in this case. We will space out each individual new food we try at least 3 days before introducing a new food, of course. Also, I plan on keeping a food journal for him.
One thing IS for sure...
I have a pretty good hunch that
Caleb is going to LOVE...
He already gets all arm flappy and makes all sorts of boy noises... just the sight of his daily multivitamin.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The new year is here and the new decade upon us...there are many goals I have for this year, and it's quite inspiring to read the resolutions of I thought I'd post mine here. It's good to have a hard copy too, so you know, I can make sure I follow through :)

I have always loved reading the resolutions of Jonathan Edwards...have you read them? They are very convicting and encouraging. You can read them here if you'd like. :) Here are just a few of my favorites...

"6 Resolved, To live with all my might, while I do live.

"26 Resolved, To cast away such things as I find do abate my assurance."
"41 Resolved, To ask myself at the end of every day, week, month and year, wherein I could possibly, in any respect, have done better. Jan. 11, 1723"

He speaks quite eloquently, don't you think? :)

To lay my life at his feet each day...more of Him, less of me.
To read the Word daily and aloud to Caleb.
To pray fervently for Caleb each day.
To pray for others each day.
To be a better wife and so many ways.
To worry less and trust God more.
To love others more.
To find joy each day.
To seek a gentle and quiet spirit within me.
To be a better steward of time and money.
To not desire control so much within this world.
To read books again (other than baby books :) )
To laugh more.
Goals for our home...

1. Beautify our home...somehow. I seriously need help with this one! HGTV visit me...pretty please!
2. Go more natural...we are slowly replacing products we use within our home with more healthy choices (cleaning up our to speak). :)
3. I would like our home to be a place of peace, rest, comfort, love, laughter, joy and fun :)
Goals for our health...
1. Eat organic when possible
2. Create meal plans for the week
2. Get some much needed fresh air each day
3. Exercise more
4.Continue seeking knowledge for our health ( I love this one)
5. Continue immune system boosting actions
6. Rest. :)
Goals for each new day...
Get up earlier
Begin the day with prayer
Stretch each morning
Eat breakfast
Read the Word
Take our vitamins
Organize something
Read books to Caleb
Pray throughout the day
Laugh, a lot
Have some couch time together
Be silly with Caleb
Read something grown-up
Go to bed earlier
End the day with prayer