Wednesday, August 18, 2010

13 Months

Your newest face...Mommy says "cheeeessseee" ...
you close your eyes really tight and smile real big. :)

Could it be?  You are 13 months!  It really feels like we just were celebrating your 12 month birthday!  How time flies!  This has been quite the month too, baby boy!  This month you have grown and changed by leaps and bounds! 

You are sleeping right now, Mommy is watching usual :)  Your eyelashes are twice as long as your Daddy's, and his are quite long.  I think you may just have the longest eyelashes known to man.  They are beautiful!  We do think you will have lots of hair one of these days , both Mommy and Daddy have thick, dark hair.  We love your sweet little head, eyelashes, cute button nose, dark soft whisps of hair, smooth kissable cheeks, just perfect, we love you!

You love to say "go-go-go" while crawling around the house, you are "going"! :)  You have also been saying "no-no-no" a lot more to things that you do not like. Such as...getting your face wiped.  You are happy 95% of the day, only a little fussy when tired.  You don't really cry anymore, you just fuss and say "ni-ni" telling us you want to go night night.  We think you are experiencing separation anxiety, we know that the age 12-18 months is a time when most babies do experience this more.  But, we have only seen a little bit of it, then again you are always with Mommy so you haven't had to be stretched in that way.  We anticipated this stage, so we are trying our best to stay near to you.  You do follow Mommy extra close these days and look for her when she may be in another room while you are playing with Daddy.  You also love to pull on her pant legs until she scoops you up.  At times you do not like to be put down and might get your feelings hurt a little if Mommy puts you down when you desire to be snuggled.  So, she just picks you right back up and snuggles you extra close :) 

-Pickles,pickles and more pickles...when we are out as a family for dinner, we order you some pickles and you are entertained for the entire meal :)
-Reading books
-Feeding Mommy and Daddy food, we have yet to leave a meal without being offered several bites from you and we have learned our lesson, if we do not take what you offer to throw it on the floor in frustration almost as to say "how could you not eat this!?!" waaaa  and lots of food on the floor.
-Bedtime, you LOVE going to bed and snuggling. 
-Luxuriating on pillows and blankets. 
-Other babies and kiddos
-Music, dancing, and anyone who can beat box or even attempt to beat box. 

-Having your face wiped, you'd rather be messy.
-Having your teeth brushed
-Being tired and not asleep.
-Being told "no" or moved in the opposite direction of the thing you were after.

We love our Boose!