Monday, February 14, 2011


This sweet boy has been on my heart a lot lately.  Click the link below to read baby Anton's story and to donate to his adoption fund if you feel so led.  He has a family here in the United States waiting to adopt him, ready with open arms...praise the Lord!  We wait in expectation to see what the Lord has in store for this little guy!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

18 Months

Caleb you are 18 months old...unbelievable!  We love the stage you are in right now, we love each stage but this one is so unique and fun!  Your personality just continues to shine and it's so fun to watch you learn, grow and be you.  We love your huge sense of humor, your loving ways, and we really just love having you around and being with you so very much.  You are a sweet little boy, and such a blessing.

This past month you have become quite the talker and are learning so many new words each day.  Not only do you say so many more words, but you really understand e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g Mommy and Daddy say!  We love that, and are often surprised at how much you know already!  We are so excited to watch you learn even more, and especially excited to hear your sweet words! :)  You have your own little language and you also speak english.  Ha!

Here is what you are saying lately:

"all done"
"belly button"
"bye bye"
"love you"
"k" for okay 
"mama" (used most frequently and also Mommy's fav)
"mac" (mac-n-cheese)
"no-no" (used a lot)
"nuh-nuh" (nurse)
"oh no"
"poo poo"
"shoe" (super cute)
"uh oh"
"wa-wa" (water)

and so many more...

You love to play with other kiddos, as always.  Mommy feels comforted that you feel so secure when she is away for awhile, you just play confidently with others and don't even notice she is gone really.  You just really love to be with others and play, play, play!

You are sleeping really well at night, and are still taking one to two naps a day.  You will usually either take two shorter naps or one long nap, varying from day to day.  You love to go "bye bye" and go on fun field trips with Mommy.  You also love to explore your home territory by climbing on anything and everything you can, you are such a fast climber and we really have to keep a close eye on we have learned you climb so incredibly fast!  You also love to run around the house, play chase, hide and go seek, be pulled in your wagon, push around your little shopping cart (or run around while pushing your shopping cart).  You are such a gentle boy, loving others.  You will often sneak up behind Mommy, through your arms around her neck and just love on her saying "ohhhhh" and then give her kisses.  You are SO full of love, and we love you right on back!  It's so fun to watch your expressions of love be shown even more as you grow.  You love to nuzzle noses, give hugs and kisses, pat our backs, and give loving looks and words to us as well as others.  We are so thankful for you! :)

Your favorite foods right now are pickles, beans of all kinds, mac-n-cheese, french fries and chips, peaches, bananas, waffles, broccoli, zucchini, apples and cantaloupe.  You dislike meat of any kind, which we think is just a texture thing and that you will soon outgrow, other than that though you will pretty much eat anything! 

You still love to dance and love music, you have really started to sing even more as well.  You will repeat songs we sing and have even been attempting to yodel's pretty cute!

You have such a sweet spirit, and are very gentle.  You have become even more adventurous as you grow and are showing your will even more!  You love to explore and climb, which we must limit in certain situations for your safety (but also allow you to be adventurous, of course)  You love to get into everything and empty drawers, shelves, anything of their contents.  We just laugh as we have heard so many words of wisdom from those parents who have gone before that these days will fly by, so we are just gonna go with it...messy house and all!  

Love you Boose Bear!