Sunday, February 21, 2010

Caleb Today

This is a photo I took of

Just look at that...
he looks like a little boy (a little )
But don't worry...
he still is and very much looks like a baby!

Caleb said
and melted my heart.

Caleb shook a ball...
pounded on his high chair with a spoon...
laughed and giggled at his blue moose...
and then shook him around too.

Caleb snuggled with Mama
...went night night in Daddy's arms (more than once)
...smiled, laughed and played with hunkle Jordan.
...was so happy to see his Nana.

Caleb wore a onsie that says...
"Beep Beep"

How I love...
Caleb today.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

7 months tomorrow!

Caleb will be 7 months old tomorrow!

He is my sweet boy.

He is SO sweet.

Caleb is showing love more and more each day.

His eyes look so intently, and his smiles are so meaningful.

He is really displaying his emotions and love.

To show love to others, he loves to touch their face...

...look into their eyes.

And gurgle with sweet delight in a way that could only mean "I love you..."

He really is so sweet.

At 7 months Caleb has tried the following foods...

sweet potato (loves)
squash (sorta likes)
avocado (loves)
bananas "nanners" (loves-loves)

Caleb loves to eat and really does so well!
Oh, and so far NO food allergies...praise God!

Still nurses on cue, so I have no idea exactly how often he eats or drinks for that matter.
During the day-probably every 2-3 hours?
Night-every 2-5 hours :)

Caleb is playing independently more and more,
he loves to explore and use his imagination (I think so anyways ; ) )

Caleb loves music and his favorite artists are Shane and Shane and Lea Michele (Rachel from Glee)

Caleb loves to play peek-a-boo and thinks mommy is the funniest when she makes funny noises

Caleb is such a joy! 

The past 7 months have been more amazing and blessed than I could have ever asked for as his mother. 

Love you, sweet boy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More Avocado Please...

Daddy set up the big red high chair...

Then Daddy put Caleb in the big red high chair...
(Caleb was pretty hungry and tried to eat the straps)

Mama made some homemade avocado baby food
(it looked much better than it does in this photo...and was actually very runny.
This photo makes it look like avocado chunks :) )

It was decided Daddy would do the honors...
...of feeding Caleb his first bite


Caleb loved avocado...
...and wanted more!

and more...

...and more!