Thursday, April 22, 2010

9 Months...

It's hard to believe...
that only 9 months ago...
you were this little.
Sitting in the same chair with Daddy...

...that you sit with him now...
...this big.
Where once you were swaddled and rocked to sleep by Mommy and Daddy...
you now read, giggle and play with Mommy and Daddy.

At 9 months ...

You love to snuggle, I don't think that will ever change :)
You enjoy banging toys together and banging toys on the floor.
You exclusively breastfeed, and eat 1 solid meal a day that usually includes 2 veggies and 2 fruits.
You are not a picky eater, you eat anything and love it.
You say "da-da" the most, and combine a bunch of syllables to make baby jabber.
You clap your hands together with joy and shake them around when music plays.
You dance to music by bopping your head and wiggling your little body to the beat.
You love "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" song the best.
You wave "bye-bye"
You enjoy reading, you love to be read to and will sit and listen through several books. 
Your favorite books are "Colors" and "Mirror Me" 
You are getting more hair, and it's going to be dark brown. 
Your eyes are changing to brown like Mommy's eyes :)
You are 21 lbs, 7 oz and 29 3/4 inches long!
You still  love to ride in the sling for shopping trips and walks.
You have two bottom teeth and one tooth on the upper right.
You are becoming more mobile with each passing day
Your are easily cheered up by being tickled or by Mommy and Daddy telling a funny joke.
You love to play the games "peek-a-boo" "cat says meow, cow says moo" and "so big"
You are sweet, gentle, loving and very attentive.
You are our perfect little baby boy.

We love you so very much, sweet Caleb.

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