Thursday, December 17, 2009

5 Months

my beautiful baby boy...
will be 5 months old.
I simply cannot believe it.
is sitting up on his own (for a little while)
jibber jabbers some sort of words
cries the word "mama"
has developed a little more of a like for the carseat
loves the bath and splashing
loves to be with daddy, his "taxi"
laughs histerically and has a wonderful sense of humor
thinks mama is super funny for some reason?
squeals with delight
tests how loud his voice can really be...which is quite loud!
gives open mouthed cute!
loves to snuggle snuggle snuggle
falls asleep holding something soft (little blankies or his puffy)

why does 5 months seem SO much older than 4 months?

My baby boy is growing up!


rutheah rodehorst said...

He is such a little angel when he's sleeping!!

Samantha said...

oh I love loved this post :) so precious.

Stuff Parents Need said...

My little Darah will be 5 months old on the 7th of January. I can't believe how rapid her development has been in the last month. She has started to sit up, eat solid foods, laugh out loud, show her emotions more when she sees me or when I leave the room. It is crazy and awesome!