Thursday, December 31, 2009

Body After Baby

I am joining the Body After Baby challenge I learned about on another Mama's (Samantha) blog here. I felt inspired and thought it would be a good goal for the new year and new decade!

Here are my goals:


When Caleb was 5 weeks old he was diagnosed with food sensitivities within my breastmilk. I then made the choice to begin an elimination diet in order to continue breastfeeding Caleb. I followed a food allergy chart and eliminated all but the least allergenic foods from my diet. Since then, I have slowly been adding foods back in, finding that Caleb is sensitive to many foods. In addition to eating the least allergenic foods, I absolutely have not had any soy, dairy or gluten as well. I plan to go forward with this diet and my goal is to continue breastfeeding Caleb until he is atleast one year of age. I feel that this diet has contributed, as well as breastfeeding, to my overall health and wellbeing since giving birth. I have lost all of my "baby weight" and then some, and I feel great!

However, I have big goals for my diet:

  1. Continue to add more foods back in with priority being finding more fresh veggies...even if I don't like them (for example sweet potato...gross)! (As of now I am eating cooked carrots...everyday. Everyday.) Caleb has shown signs of allergies to all green veggies (including romaine lettuce and even green beans)

  2. Find a better supplement because I don't think mine are cutting it. (I'm looking for a great prenatal/breastfeeding supplement that is soy/dairy/gluten free...if you know of one I'm looking for suggestions! Most supplements have soy in them)

  3. Eat more variety, even though it is easy and safe to eat the same thing everyday. My goal for the next months is to try more of a rotation diet.

  4. Eat in this order of importance...Vegetables, Protein, Fruit, Grain

  5. Drink WAY more water

  6. Eat organic when possible (right now I eat about 95% organic...but this is because of the elimination diet, I would eat less organic if I could...because it is SO expensive!)


At 16 weeks pregnant I was put on bedrest for 5 days due to a complication. After those 5 days I was on a weight restriction and activity restriction for the remainder of my pregnancy. Needless to say, I haven't worked out other than walking on a treadmill for almost a year. Sad. While I have lost all of my baby weight and then some, when I actually took the time to look in the mirror the other day (after reading about this very challenge...actually)I noticed a few things were, um...missing. Like... my booty.

Here are my goals:

  1. Exercise. Actually do it, think about it, then do it. This will take effort, but I need to make it a priority. Whether it be 9am while Cole is holding Caleb or 12am while Caleb sleeps, I need to exercise. My first goal is to exercise 3 times a week by doing Yoga Booty Ballet (it's a DVD's all I can do now because I live in the midwest and it's freezing...and I do well with instructional help and someone saying "good job" :) ) I would love to say I'll run a mile, lift weights, do sit-ups, and all...but I'm being realistic. This is all I have time for, right now. But hey, something is better than nothing right?

  2. I'm going to stop at goal 1 for now : ) Not because of lack of motivation, but I don't want to overwhelm myself :) I will add more later...actually that is goal # add more goals after I achieve goal # 1. :)


Unknown said...

Good for you! The food thing sounds hard. I'm glad you have worked so hard to keep breastfeeding.
Your boy is really cute!

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said...

So glad you're joining us!!! I'm so sorry to hear about all of Caleb's food sensitivities, but it says a lot about you that you are willing to keep going with breastfeeding, even at the cost of your own comfort!! You're one strong gal!

alysiajuanita said...

Wow, bummer about the food sensitivities, but that's awesome that you are so committed to breastfeeding your son. My goal is to actually exercise, too, not just talk about it. Hopefully this challenge will do us some good!

Unknown said...

I love Yoga Booty Ballet too! Good luck with your goals! Glad you're joining us.

Stuff Parents Need said...

Hi there! Just found your blog, and now I'm signed up to follow along. It looks like our babies are close in age (mine was born August 7). Looking forward to getting to know you better!

rutheah rodehorst said...

Awesome! You go girl!! I'll be right behind you in a few months! :)

Tracy said...

Wow...I am impressed. I am SO impressed with so many things, your willingness to stick to a tough diet to give your baby the benefit of breastmilk (you go momma!!), the willingness to try things you don't like for variety, and setting goals for exercise that are reasonable and attainable. I too have lost all the baby weight and weigh less than before pregnancy, but there are definitely things I would have encouraged me to consider setting some goals. :) Again, GREAT job on hanging in there with the diet, I know you don't hear that enough, you are doing a FANTASTIC thing no matter how hard it are an amazing momma. :)

Lisa said...

I also had to do the elimination dieting for a few months. It was tough, but well worth it. Unfortunately, I fell off the wagon and started eating all the bad stuff again. SO GREAT WORK!
Good luck to you!