Tuesday, March 16, 2010

8 Months

Caleb is 8 months old.


...we are seeing your bottom two pearly white teeth coming in...
just four days ago you learned how to get up on your hands and knees...
we think you may begin to crawl anytime now!
You are a very happy baby.
You love to jibber jabber and sing, we love to listen.
You love to pat the wood floors with your little hands...
...and bang your toys together to make noise.
You are very social and react strongly to your favorite people (with a giddy smile and some boy noises)
You have a knack for getting underneath the household furniture (the couch and your dresser)
Your favorite toys are your musical cars and green frog.
You are a night owl and love to stay up late hanging out with mama and daddy.
You love to sleep in.
You still love to snuggle, and we hope you always will. :)
You love to eat with a recent favorite being peas.
You are such a joy and we just can't get enough of you!

We love you, our baby boy!


Stuff Parents Need said...

He is just striking! Are his eyes green?

Samantha said...

Happy 8 months!

He is so beautiful!!

Dudewheresmyblog said...
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Meg said...

Aw, thanks! His eyes are a green/hazel color sometimes, but other times look blue/grey and then sometimes look brown. I have hazel/brown and my hubby has hazel so Caleb's will probably be hazel too! :)

8 months has been really fun so far...he's such a funny sweet little guy hehe :)