Thursday, September 16, 2010

14 Months



You, our sweet little Caleb, are 14 months!  Well, you will be in two days on September 18th!  We decided to write this post early as our last month birthday posts have been late, and we have a busy weekend coming up! are such a joy, and each month we seem to fall more and more in love with you... our first born son.  So here goes your little update...

You are almost walking, you walk when holding onto one of our hands, we barely support you can walk, you are just waiting for the perfect moment to show your stuff and take those steps.  You have taken two steps to and from furniture.  We are so excited for the day you will toddle along next to us!  We know that day is coming soon, so we are enjoying our little crawling cruiser right now.

You are talking more and more.  You say all kinds of stuff, some that we can determine what you are saying and then most of it is in your own little's so adorable.  We love to hear you jibber jabber, you have the sweetest little voice.  Recently you have been saying "hi" a lot while waving hi.  When we walk into your room, you will look at us, wave and say sweetly "hi!".  Also, you have been saying what sounds like "I love you".  We say  "I Love you" so much in our home, we thought you might grow  to  think that to be your name!  The past few days when we say "I love you Caleb, I loovvveee you" you say "I uh ou" or something like that.  We think it's his very own way of saying it back to us!

You are our little buddy, and we LOVE you. 

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