Monday, November 1, 2010

15 Months

Boose, you are 15 months old!  This post is a little late, but we have been extra busy this past week with Daddy being home for fall break!  We had such a great week together, spending a lot of time together.  You and Daddy played and played and played!

You are learning to walk, and are walking more and more each day!  You are so cautious, and so graceful it's really sweet.  You have such a gentle way about you, yet are such a boy all the time!  We love to watch you learn and grow and take those steps.  You are pretty excited too, and you light up with each step you take.

You are really talking now, you say all kinds of things.  You are starting to combine words that we can clearly understand as well.  You have say "Bye bye mama" and also what sounds like "I love you".  You say Daddy all the time, and you say "mama" in an extra sweet tone of voice.  We love hearing your little voice, all you say warms our hearts and your sound is so sweet.

You still love music, and with a growing love too.  You dance often when music is playing, a cell phone rings, or any beat that you may hear.  You still love to play the guitar with Daddy and sing along with him.

During the day you are a busy little guy, playing all the time, and also going places with mommy.  You love to go out and about with mommy to do errands and are so social with others.  You love to say "hi", wave, give a friendly smile, and are so attentive to others.  Recently you have really enjoyed coloring, it is so cute to watch you scribble on paper with crayons.  You also love to play chase Daddy around and hide-and-go-seek. 

You love to eat, you will eat almost anything.  You do not like meat, however.  You may be a vegetarian?  Maybe just for now :)  You love love beans of all kinds, vegetables of all kinds, fruit, and all of your snack foods that Mommy gives you during the day.  You eat puffs, Mum-Mums, granola bars, and other such snacks while you are taking a snack break from playing.  You also are taking a sippy cup more and more, and seem to really enjoy drinking water. 

You love bath time, and usually end up in there after the majority of meals (because you are so very messy)... which you don't mind, because you truly love it so much.  You love to play and splash, dip your face into the water, scoot around, lay down and play with the water coming out of the faucet.   

You are such a sweet spirited little boy, really loving towards others.  We are so very blessed to have you in our lives and we just cherish each day we get with you, Caleb.  We love you so much and look forward to all the days we get to spend with you.  We are so blessed to be your parents, God has truly given us such a perfect gift.  You are our little buddy, we love you love you love you.

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