Saturday, July 31, 2010

12 Months


You are one year old.  A year ago we looked into your eyes for the very first time.  Those eyes that are so bright, so wide, and filled with such love and wonder.  You looked up at us, right after being born, and we knew a love that we had never known before.  You know what else?  That love has only grown and grown with each day you have been in our lives.  We did not know our hearts could expand to the sizes they have, but our hearts are giant for you. 

What are you up to, little guy? are starting to cruise around the furniture and crawling like a champion.  Not yet walking, you are a cautious one.  We think when you do walk, you will be a careful walker as you are a careful crawler and a careful pull-to-stander.  You are a very content boy, and  strong-willed. We would say you are pretty easy going, just like your Daddy...and you also have some stubbornness like your Mommy. You are easily cheered always, if we can just tickle you, cuddle you or tell you a funny joke.  Your sense of humor has always been so fun, you really seem to understand your Mommy and Daddy when they are being funny with you.  You like to tell us jokes as well, you will purposefully make a funny noise and look at us in expectation...expecting us to laugh, and then you laugh at yourself.  It's adorable, and you truly are funny.  If we only had one word to describe you, we would say...sweet.  You are SO sweet.  You love to play.  You play peek-a-boo and hide-and-go-seek.  You have two favorite hiding places which are a little cubby type spot behind the couch and behind Mommy and Daddy's bedroom door.  You love to go back behind those places and hide, waiting for us to come find you, and then peek around the corner giggling at us.  You love to explore and be adventurous by crawling in new territories in our house.  You especially love your newly expanded territory exploration area of Mommy and Daddy's room, it's the coolest spot in the house according to you, other than the place where the toilet paper is stored that is.  It's fun to watch you explore and decide where you want to go next, we just follow you around and let you find your way.  It is so much fun...and a lot of exercise!  It gets pretty exhausting at times (for us, you seem to be well energized), but it's well worth it!

What are you eating, you little chowhound? Your favorite food is winter squash.  That is so strange to us, we think it's really not all that great, but you love it!  You love all baby food, and you are still practicing the art of eating finger foods.  You will try anything that we give you to eat, and you seem to love all foods.  You are still getting the hang of chewing, but you try very hard to eat everything we give you these days.  Even though most of it ends up in the high chair or on the floor, you are learning more and more each day of how to eat!  Mommy plans on breastfeeding you through this next year as well and is looking very forward to the continued amazing experience of breastfeeding.

What are you saying these days?  Lately you have been saying "mama" even more, and your favorite word is "dada" as always.  You might be trying to say "flower", Mommy points to a flower and says "flower" and you say "fffff".  You also say "buuuhhhh" or "boooo" when pointing to a book, so we think that might be your way of saying "book".  You make tons of noises and hum little song like diddies throughout the day.  You love to play, but when you are ready to nurse or go to sleep you will go to Mommy, asking to cuddle or nurse.

What are your dislikes?  Well, you really do not like to have the sun in your eyes, you close your eyes as tight as you possibly can when the sun hits them, and shake your head as to say "no sun".  You also dislike having your diaper changed, when we lay you down to change your diaper you immediately start up a fuss and try to escape.  We've had to become rodeo fast at changing your diaper.  You dislike having your face wiped clean after eating lunch or dinner, typical boy we suppose! :)  You also don't like being told "no", the other day you decided to lick the TV and Mommy gently said "no no, Caleb" and you turned to Mommy, stood up on your tip-toes,  strained every muscle in your body and face, turned red in the face, got all big eyed, looked straight at her and then... let out the loudest and longest grunt you possibly could "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", you were maaadddddd. We couldn't help but look at each other and laugh.   

What do you love, lovey boy?  You love your Mommy and Daddy! :) You love to be with both your Mommy and Daddy, but we both are a Mommy's boy.  You follow her around all day long, always asking to be picked up by going up to her feet, looking up at her with your arms raised.  You also love to tug on her pants, asking to be scooped up into her arms.  She loves this,  such a sweet thing you do!  You love to read with your Daddy and Mommy, but Daddy is the best reader...he reads with all the fun voices and noises and actions.  You also love to play the guitar and sing with Daddy.  At first, you just banged on the guitar, but now you have started to actually strum the strings really well.  Daddy sings simple songs for you to sing along, he will sing "ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-meeeee" or "da-da-da-da-da-deeeee" and then you will have your turn that sounds something similar.  Also, Nana is teaching you to beatbox...she does her version of beatboxing (which you think is hilarious) and you try by saying "dedede" and then sticking your tongue out, moving your head all around, and making some noises.  We need to get it on video!   Your love of music continues to grow, you are a singing, dancing, beatboxing little boy and we are quite entertained each day!Mommy still wears you in the sling often, you are nearing the weight limit so she will need an upgrade very soon. You really enjoy being in the sling while you and Mommy are out together, Mommy loves it too! You love to clap your little hands when we say "clap your little hands" and you clasp your hands together, raise them and shake them in the air when we say "Hercules! Hercules!".

You also love others.  You are such a sweet boy, my goodness!  When we are out and about shopping, you will look at other people, right in the eyes and just sweetly smile at them.  It's so adorable, and so polite!  You especially love other little ones like yourself. You also LOVE your Nana.  You cannot get enough Nana time.  When she comes over and you see her at the back door you get all giddy with excitement.  You want to be with's all about Nana! 

You amaze us each day, little Boose.  You are 12 months old!  12 months you have been with us, we can't even believe it!  We are SO blessed for the time we have had with you and so thankful for each day that God gives us with you.  You are a gift, a treasure.  We are so thankful to our amazing God who has sustained your life for this past year.  We pray that he continues to mold you and shape you into the young boy He desires you to be.  May you know Him and love Him with all your heart, soul and mind. 

We love you, our sweet Caleb Allan!


Samantha said...

awww I know I'm late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :)

Beck said...

adorable post Meg!