Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Reason For The Drool-Drops On My Guitar

Caleb and Cole love to play the guitar together.  Caleb enjoys gently strumming the guitar strings, pounding on the guitar August Rush style, and sitting at his Daddy's feet listening to him play.  Caleb has just learned to pull himself up very well, and he is now able to pull himself up to the guitar and strum along with Cole.  He even used a block as a guitar pick to strum the stings, and then managed to get it stuck within the Daddy's guitar has a  large block stuck inside!

Caleb playing his beautiful song.

Daddy and baby son, playing the guitar together.
So, so sweet.  Makes a Mommy's heart happy.

Note:  The title of this post is true, Caleb drools constantly upon Cole's guitar :)

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