Friday, July 2, 2010

Tell Me A Story

Caleb loves to read with us.  We started reading to him daily at around 3 months.  Actually, Caleb started to read himself around that same time, or shortly after...

Do not disturb the reading baby.

 After Cole gets home from work each night, it's story time. The father and son pair sit in the rocking chair located in the corner of Caleb's bedroom next to the window.  I love to listen from the next room, peeking around the corner to see the precious sight of my two boys reading together.

I'm so thankful that Caleb enjoys this time with us, as I hope reading is something we can always enjoy to do together and I hope Caleb loves to read on his own as well as he grows into a young boy.  If he is anything like his Daddy, who was reading the newspaper by age 2 (eeer pretending to read) and encyclopedias by age 4, I think he will.  I always loved to read, too.  I can remember reading as a young child with my grandparents, I'd snuggle up to my grandparents in their rocking chair as we read through a stack of books.  I will cherish the memories of reading with them forever.  Cole remembers reading for hours upon hours each day as a young child, mainly the above mentioned newspapers and encyclopedias, he was also read to by his beloved older sister Monica...who read to him very often.  We are pretty sure Cole had his own library card by his first birthday, couldn't rightly say though.

Oh and I just had to sneak in a photo of Caleb's precious little feet.  He is almost a year old and his feet are adorable and kissable as ever.  I love this photo of Caleb's feet above Cole's feet, so sweet.

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